The Luminous project

Vision and focus


Consciousness will someday be electromagnetically measured and altered. The associated needed insights will prove crucial to the development of cognitive sciences


What is consciousness?
Can it be measured?
Can it be altered through electromagnetic brain stimulation?

what is consciousness?

What is consciousness? Can it be measured? While humankind has struggled with these questions for millennia, our project will focus on more modest but nonetheless ambitious and related goals. Inspired by recent developments in neuroscience and the potential role of fundamental concepts such as information integration and algorithmic complexity, we will study, model, quantify, and alter observable aspects of consciousness.

Project duration: March 2016 - August 2019

The consortium


Project coordination, data analysis, models and technology

Project Scientific and Technical Manager: Giulio Ruffini
Project Coordinator: Aureli Soria-Frisch


Consciousness, sleep and lucid dreaming

Principal Investigator: Michael Nitsche

U. Liege

Disorders of Consciousness, models

Principal Investigator: Steven Laureys

U. Milano

Disorders of Consciousness, models and measures

Principal Investigator: Marcello Massimini

U. Tuebingen

Locked-In Syndrome, BCI

Principal Investigator: Niels Birbaumer


Computational models, EEG processing

Principal Investigator: Fabrice Wendling

U. Oxford


Principal Investigator: Irene Tracey


Foetal consciousness

Principal Investigator: Hubert Preissl

Contact us

Thanks for your interest in the project. We will get in touch as soon as possible.